Friday, October 22, 2010

Move over Acts

By: Rob Peralta

Acts II is just beginning! As we approach the final days I believe God's signs and wonders and even great miracles will occur with more and more frequency. In Acts we read of wonderous signs and miracles performed as God's spirit was alive and manifest in the peoples lives, the SAME will occur in our time! It gives me great joy to write of this following story I received this week from Pastor Tom Mogambi Mose of Kenya. It shows God is working and moving the people to repent and become "awake" as His REAL truth is being "shouted" to the people in these last days.

I believe we are in the prophetic last days where Jesus said that the "gospel will be preached to ALL the world , as a witness to all nations, THEN THE END WILL COME" ( Matt 24:14) It has just about reached "all" the nations, with the breakdown of communism in the last 15 to 20 years. The explosion in communications has insured this "gospel spreading" so that Jesus' words will come true.

But the great thing is that the TRUE gospel in now being preached and that is this --- "Salvation" is simplified in the following 1) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. 2) Love your fellow man (woman) as yourself 3) Accept and testify that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior 4) Obey his holy Ten Commandments. Anyone who teachs different than this is risking the wrath of God. Now, let us see and hear how God is "protecting" the said "gospel" in these last days.

Here is his testimony.
" I received an invitation to go and speak at a meeting in Bariadi, a town in the country of Tanzania.So I prepared myself and took off to the crusade. When I arrived, I found there would be two speakers (myself and another fellow). I was to speak on prophecy and the other was to speak on the gospel truth. The attendance was good the first day. The choirs sang beautifully and many were drawn by their wonderful sound. Then I spoke about Daniel chapters 2, 7 and 8. And Revelation 13 and 17. People were very interested in what the animals were, that were coming out of the sea. Also about the woman decked in purple riding the scarlet beast. It was a lively meeting. The gospel was very powerful and appealing to many hearts. People stayed from 7 pm. to 10 pm. Our meeting was in the center of the business district with our stage surrounded by many shops.

In this town there are other churches, but they are Sunday keeping churches. So the people had not be exposed to our gospel and prophecy. The Catholic church has many members there. So as we began to preach , the shop owners, who were Sunday keepers, were discouraging those who were coming to our meeting. We could see them assembled outside the shops sitting, chatting and laughing loudly, mocking our testimony. Nevertheless, we continued. Then came Friday and we prepared for Sabbath. Friday evening came and we had Sabbath serivce on the ground where our meeting was, and many people came out.

Now on the Sabbath (Saturday) we opened our service early and had bible study for one half hour. Then after that we opened for testimonies and some people came forward to witness what the Lord had done for them, how they benifited from our meeting ( the Lord was moving their hearts). At 11:00 am we had divine service and preacher preached and at end of sermon made a call for people to come forward to give their lives to Jesus. Some came forward but most did not. Then the preacher made a urgent appeal that today is the day of salvation! He said that for one week we had witnessed to them, do not harden your hearts. But still not many seemed to respond. Then he invited me to do closing prayer. I made my way to pulpit at about 1:30 pm, the sky was clear and no wind, just very nice weather. Then as I began to pray and we all kneeled, suddenly a strong wind burst forward blowing exceedingly strong. It was directed to the large shop were the Sunday keepers had been mocking us. It completely blew off the roof of the shop! God spared the people and no one was hurt and it did not come near the meeting place. After this had taken place suddenly many people came forward to accept Jesus and our message. Many said it was God pointing his finger at them and warning them to come into His truth.

Now many of those who witnessed God's power are submitting to being baptised, praise God! That evening the meeting was attended with many more people! Praise God He can speak to us in many ways! May God bless you, Tom "

Let us get prepared and watch for these kinds of power and signs that will awake His people and many will come to Him as we approach the end of probation, God be with you!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Let us not have idols

By: Rob Peralta

Perhaps the most broken of all the Commandments today is the worshipping of idols and images. The devil has made sure that many "things" take up our time and away from God. Sadly, what a GREAT SUCCESS this has been for him! My heart truly goes out to the Lord, as I know He sees the tremendous idol worshipping going on today. And His heart bleeds anew.

In our Christian life God measures our "time". What do we do with it? How many hours do we spend on this or that each week? We have SO MANY distractions today. Where do I start? Let's see, there is TV, DVDs, IPODS, COMPUTERS, PHONES, MUSIC, THEATRE, VIDEO GAMES,VEHICLES, SPORTS, ETC. You get the point. And each and every one of these can, and in many cases, DOES become an "idol" to us!

In my own personal life before I became a true Christian I also had some idols. I worshipped money, tobacco,music and chess. For these things encompassed "most" of my weekly waking hours. You see, God COUNTS our hours each week and if we spend most of our time on a specific idol or image (TV for example) we are indeed "worshipping" an idol. We BREAK His Commandment! If we continue to do this we place our salvation in serious jeopardy. That is why I was sent a direct sign from God ( Please visit our sister site , the post called " The Lord turns on the light" under "prayers answered") I had been spending much of my evening hours watching TV or on the computer.

The Christian life MUST have it's primary focus on God! Our Lord should be our desire and concern. TIME must be spent reading His word, spreading His word and truth, fellowshipping, prayer, and learning from "in the spirit" teachers and preachers of God's truth. Our Lord spoke these words "I am the way, the truth and the life"(John 14:6) Our "new" life is a life in Jesus, the old is done away with! Meaning we must discard our old idols and have NO IDOLS except our Lord. If you say a prayer like this "Dear Lord,
help me to remember that YOU are first in my life and if I am doing something that comes in front of you, please let me know" He will be faithful and guide you, rest assured! You will start to feel "guilty" from the Holy Spirit when doing that something wrong. Also remember, the word says "His Commandments are NOT burdensome " (1 john 5:3) Our Lord knows you have a life to live and won't overly burden you.

Of course our weekly work is a necessity and those hours are not counted against us. And we can even "glorify" God by doing hard , honest, cheerful work! So please look at your life and the "time" spent each week. Is something "in front" of our Lord? If so, get rid of it or at least cut it back so that the time with our Lord exceeds the time for our worldly distractions.

Peace and understanding to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.