Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Prayer Warriors - Review

Prayer Warriors gets me excited about being in Christ's Army every time I start reading it! It's a book that really pumps you up with language that is especially appealing to those with adventurous hearts. It talks about being part of God's Elite Special Forces, Prayer Warriors, and goes over many many scriptures regarding prayer, putting them in the format of chapters titled:

War Zone

Battle Challenge

Knowing Your Enemy

Knowing Your Prince and Leader

Arming for Battle

Battle Skills


Jesus-The Model Prayer Warrior

The Secret Place of Prayer

Battle Tactics

The Arsenal of Prayer

The Sword and the Shield

Battle Cry

The book is in a very practical format, with each chapter being broken down into multiple sections with subtitles, large margins on the outside of each page (this book is quite wider than average), and a small workbook page at the end of each chapter with a few questions requiring your thoughts and answers. The paper quality and print quality are excellent.

Anyway, if you would like to receive advanced training in the art of spiritual warfare, and become part of God's elite special forces as a prayer warrior, I would highly recommend this book by Ron Halvorsen! Get it here.

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